
Brooke Desones |编舞
Brooke Desnoës is one of the most gifted teaching artists of her generation, with over twenty years of experience at the international level. 她正在挑战极限 in dance, Brooke has developed a dance program at WSCC built upon strong classical roots, which is committed to exploring and redefining where the art form is headed. 她的 pre-professional training program opens the doors to successful professional careers 给她的学生. 夫人. Desnoës trains her students “from the inside out” and provides them with an educational experience of the highest caliber.

Brooke Desnoës received her early dance training in her native Alabama and went on to dance with ballet companies across the Southeast and in Europe. 她跳过舞 a varied repertoire including leading roles in many classic ballets such as “Sleeping Beauty,” “Cinderella,” “Paquita,” and “Romeo and Juliet,” as well as works by contemporary 舞蹈指导. After a period of teaching at The Washington School of Ballet in Washington D.C., under the direction of Mary Day, Brooke Desnoës founded L’Académie Américaine de Danse de Paris (AADP) which grew to become one of the largest and most reputable 在她的指导下在欧洲芭蕾舞学校学习. 夫人. Desnoes一直在 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学自2018年秋季以来.

A versatile musician with training in both jazz and classical idioms, Ricky Burks 得了B.S. in Music Education from the University of North Alabama in 1990 and 他的米.A. 2000年从北阿拉巴马大学毕业.  Mr. 伯克斯利用了他的 performing skills with a number of ensembles, including such groups as the Edd Jones Orchestra, the Muscle Shoals Area Big Band, the Sammy Kaye Orchestra, Ringling Bros. 和巴纳姆 & Bailey Circus, Steel City Sound and the Russ Morgan Orchestra. He was also a founding member of the Night Life Saxophone Quartet, which has been featured 在国家公共广播电台. In addition, he has served as an adjudicator and clinician 整个东南部.  Mr. 伯克斯指挥爵士乐队和萨克斯管合奏 在澳门威尼斯人APP下载 State Community College in Hanceville, Alabama, where he has been employed since 1990 作为木管乐器教练和乐队总监. 目前,先生. Burks担任主席 of the 美术及表演艺术 at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 Community College. 


克洛伊·卡特 17 years old and currently enrolled in the fast track program at WSCC. 她跳过舞 for 14 years and train in Ballet, Ballroom, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Modern, Hip-Hop, 抒情,角舞曲,爵士放克,霹雳舞,和阿克罗. 在过去的两年里,她一直在工作 as assistant at Bella Moxi 跳舞 Convention and others such as Dusty Button, Lindsay 兰开斯特和迈克尔·达姆斯基. 克洛伊被授予史蒂文·博伊德纪念馆 最佳舞蹈个人奖. 她目前在工厂舞蹈制作公司工作 in Cullman, Alabama and works toward an Associate Degree in 跳舞 Education from WSCC.
Marigrace邓恩 来自阿拉巴马州的卡尔曼.  She began her training in ballet at the age of 13 at Courtney’s 舞蹈艺术. Marigrace is an Elite team member and student teacher at Genesis Performing 艺术,她专注于指挥棒旋转. 她是药学技术项目的一员, through dual enrollment, at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 and will graduate as a certified pharmacy 弹簧技术员.  她也是…的成员 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态’s Allegro 跳舞 Theatre 由布鲁克·德诺斯领导的公司. 
哈雷Greatorex 他来自阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.  她开始在贝弗利舞厅接受训练的时候 3岁.  At the age of 6, Haley moved to North Jefferson Academy of 跳舞.  当 16岁时,她开始在韦斯特伍德芭蕾舞团跳舞.  海莉获得了舞蹈奖学金 to 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 Community College and is pursuing a degree in 跳舞 Education.  她的 梦想是有一天拥有自己的舞蹈工作室.  海莉也是澳门威尼斯人APP下载的成员 State’s Allegro 跳舞 Company under the direction of Brooke Desnoes.
伊丽莎白·格里菲思 来自阿拉巴马州的加兹登.  She began her training in ballet at the age of 3 at Downtown 跳舞 Conservatory and at age 10 moved to Glory and Grace 跳舞.  伊丽莎白收到 a dance scholarship to 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 Community College her senior year of high school and is dual enrolled, pursuing a degree in 跳舞 Pedagogy. 她也是…的成员 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态’s Allegro 跳舞 由布鲁克·德诺斯领导的公司.
莱西约翰逊 is from Pinson, Alabama and has been dancing for 18 years. 她开始在 ballet, tap, and jazz at Miss Kelley’s 跳舞 Studio in Trussville, AL at the age of 2. 当 she was 18 she started dancing at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 and received a scholarship 在澳门威尼斯人APP下载的快板舞蹈剧院跳舞. 蕾西计划转到 University of Alabama at Birmingham to major in Broadcast Journalism.
尼古拉斯•史密斯 is a native from Charleston, West Virginia but calls Alabaster, Alabama home. 他已经 spent ten years as a cheerleader which led him to cheer at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 where he 被招进了歌手. Learning choreography for their shows piqued his interest 后来加入了快板舞蹈团. 目前正在攻读学位 in dance education he plans to open up a gym dedicated to cheer and dance. 
布鲁克·利·辛亚德 是澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学舞蹈教育学专业的学生. 她小时候学过芭蕾,后来又学 piano lessons, and as a teen she participated in the Decatur Youth Symphony as a violinist. As she grew up she developed a love for the arts whether it be singing, dancing, or 演奏乐器. She currently devotes her time to learning about how humans can benefit from music and dance as she wants to pursue a career in the medical field 在音乐和舞蹈医学领域. 她目前正在从事她的教学工作 布鲁克Desnoës芭蕾舞学院实习. 她把她所有的成功都奉献给了自己 life thus far to the love and unwavering support of her parents Wendy and Bryan Sinyard, her Brother Blayne Sinyard, and her boyfriend Nicholas Watford.
Breanna特纳 来自阿拉巴马州的卡尔曼. 她目前就读于WSCC舞蹈教育专业 主修教育学,持有短期证书. 在澳门威尼斯人APP下载大学,布雷是 WSCC快板舞蹈剧院. Outside of school, Bre works at The Factory 跳舞 Productions 作为组合计划的主管.
以赛亚书华盛顿 来自阿拉巴马州的迪凯特. He began dancing his senior year of High school at Austin 在表演合唱团. Isaiah received a Singers Scholarship to 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 from 夫人. 蒂芙尼 Richter at the end of his senior year, and now doing Show Choir at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 and 他也是芭蕾舞演员. This is his second year at 澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态, and he is majoring in 跳舞 Performance and will be transferring Schools Next year 2020 to The University of Alabama starting in the fall and will be taking dance. 他也是澳门威尼斯人APP下载的成员 Sate Allegro 跳舞 Company Under the direction of Brooke Desnoes.